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The future of your creative business is waiting for you to show up and design it. 

Watch this FREE training to unlock practical, powerful ways to get more of what you want out of your work.

What you'll learn in theory watching Self-Advocating Systems (and in practice by filling out the accompanying Idea Designer) is the "secret" to charging more or taking a sabbatical. It's how you spend less time on social media and more time writing outside in the garden, if that is what you truly want. 

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Self-Advocating Systems help you...

Sell More Products & Services

Do people know what you do, why it matters, how it works and how they can pay for it? Are you staying in touch with them throughout their entire process of deciding? If not, you have a systems problem.

Do The Work That Matters

Let's face it: Sometimes as artists we need sabbaticals and breaks from social media and time to go underground and do the deep work. That is significantly easier to do when we have a system we can trust is guiding people through a journey of understanding and relating to our work.

Advocate For Yourself

People cannot offer us what we need until we tell them. A client or partner cannot honor our boundaries unless we express them. You will not make the kind of sales you dream of unless you engage in a regular practice of advocating for the value of your work.

Get What You Actually Want

You spent all of this time thinking about what other people need. What about what you need? In order for this effort to be sustainable, you need to be receiving what you want in exchange.


Are you getting what YOU need out of your creative business?

If not, you might have a systems problem.

Not making enough more money? That's a systems problem.

Need less client urgency and more free time? Systems.

Wish more people replied to your emails, watched your videos, referred you for more projects, or otherwise engaged with your work in a meaningful way?

If you're nodding yes, then it's time to design a Self-Advocating System—an interconnected set of elements designed to get you more of what you want.

Watch this free training and fill out the accompanying Idea Designer. By the end, you'll have named exactly what you want next and what areas of your business are lagging behind your updated vision.

Why wait? Start now

I'm Lexi, and I've worked with enough entrepreneurs to know you're going to hate that I'm making this all about you.

I mean, really. We get into this for other people, right? We want to find a solution to their problems or help them access something we wish someone had offered us.

I mean, BLEGH! I'm not doing this for the MONEY!

Sure, okay. This can be true, and. You have needs.

Tell me, when was the last time you designed something for yourself? When was the last time you took your own needs and desires deeply into account when pricing a product or drafting a contract? 

Here's what you need to know about me: I want you to make a living doing whatever it is you really love to do. That's my life's work.

I want painters to paint and writers to write and chefs to chef and accountants to account. I want your day to be, more often than not, filled with tasks you actually intrinsically enjoy.

And I KNOW, deep in my heart, that if you want to make the kind of impact only you can make, you're going to need to step away from the laptop every once in a while and disappear into deep work.

But how do we do this in a world that expects us to be constantly producing viral content just to stay relevant?

Easy: We design Self-Advocating Systems.

It's time to get YOUR needs met from your creative business.

Drop your name and email below for instant access to a class on Self-Advocating Systems AND the Idea Designer, a journaling and self-assessment tool.

These resources will inspire the thinking and self-knowledge you'll need to design your next era. Grab a drink and get ready to be inspired!