When was the last time you took a holistic, big picture look at your business?

How often do you set aside time to answer questions like...

  • Where is money coming from and why?
  • How aligned are your day to day activities with the vision you have for your life?
  • Is your marketing calling in the people you actually want to work with and serve?

If it's been a minute, you're not alone. Which is why I'm excited to share that for the first time ever, I'm making my client-exclusive Idea Designer workbook available for anyone to download.


"The Idea Designer got my wheels spinning so quickly. Writing it I was like, Wait, I actually have a LOT that I want to do. That's your gift—you ask all the right questions to make us release the self doubt and comparison."

—Adrianna Basin

I've spent the last decade of my life helping artists, founders and creative business people use the Internet get their work seen. 

In that time, I've learned there are no magic bullets or one size fits all strategies.

There are, however, questions.

 Questions that help us understand:

What's working? What isn't?

How might we get from where we are to where we want to be?

Questions You Might Have About The Idea Designer

Detangle your good ideas and find the least complicated next step


Snag your Idea Designer below: