"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" — Mary Oliver


We all have that thing we keep saying we're going to do.


Maybe for you it's to write a book, run a marathon, start a garden, or finally hit that ambitious revenue goal.

(All very real examples from Big Paper Planning Day participants!)

And so we do what we've been taught to do:

We make SMART goals.

We come up with the perfect morning routine.

We decide to "make a plan and stick to it" for real this time.



And then what happens?

Life happens.



We wake up with no energy. We run out of spoons. 

We miss a day or two or twelve of that ambitious movement and nutrition plan.

We fall off, lose the plot, stop trying. 

If we're not careful, we might make this mean something about who we really are: 

"I'm just not somebody who (insert secret dream here)"

 Or worse, we weave it into a story of self-criticism and lack:

"If only I were more (consistent / committed / focused / different)," then maybe I'd have what I want."


But what if there's a different way?


What if there is a more creative, self-compassionate way to pursue your goals and dreams?

What if it isn't about doing the exact same perfectly consistent thing every single day, but about designing a life and systems that actually work for you?

What if your goals and plans were centered around what you want, how you want to feel, and what you want to contribute to the world?

How much self-trust would that build?

It starts with a Big Paper Planning Day.


Big Paper Planning Day is a game-changing goal setting and planning retreat, designed specifically for creative, divergent thinkers. 

 If you're committed to designing a compassionate, fulfilling life (and would also enjoy an excuse to go school supply shopping), Big Paper Planning Day is for you.

 We do it again in July, and in the meantime...


"I knew when Big Paper Planning Day came up, it was exactly what I needed: a container that allowed me to carve time out of my day and *actually* get things done. Not only did the idea of being able to get school supplies and interact with a science fair board ignite my child-like spirit but it also invited me to approach my goals in a new, more compassionate way.

S.M.A.R.T. goals never worked for me and, in fact, made me feel bad about myself when I couldn't seem to accomplish them. Lexi's lessons on abstract goals was a light bulb moment for me—and I've never looked back. I can confidently say that Lexi's self-compassionate approach to goal making and the principles of 'abstracting' goals has single handedly altered my brain chemistry. So now I not only achieve my goals every quarter because I have a menu of actions based on energy level, but my entire outlook on my life is more self-compassionate.

If you're looking for a more compassionate (and motivating) approach to goal-setting, sign up for Big Paper Planning Day. You will not regret the investment. Bonus: You'll be supported by a group of like-minded people also trying.

I've been part of the Pretty Decent community for over 2 years and it's been the best investment I've made in my biz AND life. Big Paper Planning Day has become something I look forward to every quarter and is the cherry on top of a community that has made me feel so seen."

— Taylor L.

The vibes.

The vibes.

Above: Stories shared during previous Big Paper Planning Day retreats. See more on our Big Paper Planning Day IG highlight.

"Big Paper Planning Day opened my eyes to a completely new way of thinking about how to pursue my ambitious goals and cultivate daily habits that actually serve me. Lexi has made a space on the internet that is cozy, inviting, and creative—no easy feat! I can't wait to work with her again."

— Leigh Stein, author and coach

Here's your invitation:


1. Grab your DIY version of Big Paper Planning Day. 

2. Go school supply shopping. Grab a big paper (we recommend a tri-fold "science fair" board), some markers, pens, gold star (or similarly motivating) stickers, and get ready to have fun.

3. Take yourself on an Artist's Date and get your creative juices flowing.

4. Set aside time to go through the exercises and workshops — they'll help you dream up a vision, clarify your goals and plan out the next three months of your life.


"Big Paper Planning Day helped me collapse the time on reaching my goals. It was such a manageable and fun way to approach goal setting.

I also felt so seen and supported by our Momentum Support group calls. Everyone kept me motivated and self compassionate.

My biggest win: I don't viciously criticize my body the way I had done all my life, because my abstract goal was treating my body with kindness."

— Karen Khounthavong

What you'll leave with after Big Paper Planning Day:


What do you want? What do you really, really want?

Plans mean nothing if they don't get you where you want to go. We'll spend the first part of your Big Paper Planning Day helping you map out a vision for your life, which will offer you the direction you need to move forward.


What are your priorities? What might bring you closer to your vision?

You'll practice turning your dreams into actions, starting with a deep dive into setting realistic, self-compassionate goals. You'll learn research-backed strategies for goal setting and create a 12 week plan.


 What will you do tomorrow? How will you spend the next three months?

By the end of your Big Paper Planning Day, you'll have a detailed plan laying out how to turn your dreams into actions — but not the kind that expect you to be "on" all the time. You'll create a menu of ways to move toward your goals and a way to track your measurable progress.

BONUS: Notion Life Design & Habit Tracking System

Not into sticky notes and big pieces of paper?

First of all, how dare you?

Just kidding, but/and: Big Paper Planning Day also includes access to the Abstract Goals Journal, a robust Notion workbook you can use to create and track your 12 week plan.

If you prefer, you can go through all of the Big Paper Planning Day exercises digitally and end up with a beautiful bird's eye view of your priorities, plans and goals. 


"Big Paper Planning Day let me know what it feels like to actually know where I was GOING in my business, rather than existing. It pulled the veil back from spinning my wheels and set me on a track of what I actually want."

— Emily Griswold 

Planning is for you.

 Planning is self-kindness. It is an art form. Planning is a quiet, compassionate dedication — a place for you to be still with yourself and answer the question: What do I really want?

That's why I want to offer you the opportunity to make whole day of it.

Big Paper Planning Day is a playful, artistic, self-compassionate, interdisciplinary approach to planning, goal-setting and motivation.

And you can start as soon as you click this button:


So, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

Big Paper Planning Day offers you a chance to re-orient yourself, find direction and detangle the thousands of good ideas in your brain.

 The next live Big Paper Planning Day is happening April 25 and 28. Don't want to wait? You can also grab a DIY version below.

(DIY) Big Paper Planning Day


Self-Led Notion Workbook + Exercises

Want to throw yourself a full day planning party? 

When you host yourself a DIY Big Paper Planning Day, you'll receive:

  • A self-paced Notion course walking you through the entire process of designing your life, from crafting your vision to mapping out a 3-month plan
  • All of the material we cover together live, including the game-changing workshop on abstract goal setting
  • The Notion Abstract Goals Journal, which offers you a simple system for daily or weekly check-ins on your progress
  • Access to a comment section for direct feedback and support from Lexi, even as you do it on your own
  • Bonus: Apply your DIY cost to the next live retreat! You'll receive a code to take $175 off a live ticket to a future Big Paper Planning Day. Code only applicable to pay in full tickets.

ALL 2024 Big Paper Planning Day retreats, plus access to The Study!


Payment Plans Available!

When you join The Study, you get access to:

  • ALL Big Paper Planning Day retreats (and included materials), happening live again in July 2024! PLUS:
  • The Offer Design Sprint, which will help you design a product or service for sale
  • Internet Business, the course: A comprehensive guide to marketing your work online and creating digital campaigns
  • The Sales Planner, a comprehensive Notion tool for planning your content across mediums
  • The Pretty Decent Desktop Organizer, an all-in-one life organization system
  • A HUGE library of on-demand resources
  • ALL live Study-exclusive body doubling creative business events, including: 
    • 3 live labs a month (see the syllabus here!)
    • Weekly Strategic Intuition Circles
    • Pop-up events like Vision Week, New Year New Prices, and more!
  • Plus a FREE 90 minute 1:1 Launch Planning session with Lexi when you pay in full!

Payment plan available — click here to join The Study in 4 installments of $333